Thursday, May 25, 2006

Finished with grad school!

Well, all but finished. I still need to fill out some paper work and go through some mere formalities but I am satisfied to say that at 10:18 AM Central time this morning, I emailed my professor my final paper for my last unfinished class. This was the last of my school work and on Saturday morning, my birthday, I found out my grades. It looks like at this point my GPA is a 3.55, the best I have ever done in my life. I wish it could have been a little better. All but one of my classes that I got a "B" in I felt like I could have got an "A" but such is life. I was really busy and if I would have taken more time, I could have done it but I wanted to graduate in two years, a feat rarely ever accomplished in my department. In fact, as of right now, I am the only one that has officially/unofficially graduated that came in with me in Aug. 2004. One guy will finish up this summer and hopefully some others will do it next academic year. I even managaged to work a little bit, one job over the summer, and a semester as a GTA while attending school at KU.

So, whats next? What is always next; look for a job.

In my spare time I would like to take care of all the things I have been neglecting. Catching up with old friends and family, overhaul my computer, get caught up with my personal writing, generally clean my room, house, and things, take a little vacation somewhere (it has been two years of school work and no vacations for me), update some entries on Wikipedia, update and continue to work on my blog/possibly build a webpage, read lots of books that I have ignored because I have only been reading books for my classes, work out so that I am in shape, and lastly but not least, go meditate.

So even though I am done, I will still be busy because there is so much I put aside to earn this degree. But all in all it was definitely worth it. I really learnt a lot of big answers to huge questions that had often puzzled me, especially when it comes to religious, spiritual, philosophical and or ethical issues. I am definitely smarter and I also think more spiritual for having done this endeavor.


Blogger Jeff McDonald said...

Abuti Tsepo,

What's up brother, you are taking off soon. I have not checked out the blog for a while and I can see that it is really cool. Great slideshow on your frontpage!!!!!

Hey, I also want you to post this comment so that people will be able to go to my website via a hyperlink send em to

Sala ka khotso ngoaneso, ke tla bua le uena kapele. Tsamaea hantle hape ka Korea.


12:20 PM  

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